SCA Intergovernmental Summit Proceedings
Below please find the proceedings from South Central Assembly's 10th Anniversary IGC Summit entitled: "Barriers, Bridges and Best Practices on the Road to Productive Collaboration" held at the Wildwood Conference Center.
SCA Studies
Below you will find several studies created by the members of the South Central Assembly. Each study represents countless hours, collaboration, research and review - all with a view toward more informed, accurate and insightful planning for our region. Click on any study below to open the PDF document. Please read and review these studies, but do not alter their content in any way or make more than one copy without permission from the South Central Assembly. We will be happy to grant you permission to make copies, we only ask that you receive our permission in order to enable us to better track the effectiveness of each study and to plan for future studies and collaborative efforts based on that information. Thank you.
- Adams County Housing Report
- Development Guidelines Report 2002
- Perry County Housing Needs Assessment 2006
- The Mason-Dixon Dilemma 2005
- Predatory Lending in South Central Pennsylvania
- Housing in the Region White Paper 2002
SCA Recommended Links
Below you will find some helpful links utilized by members of the South Central Assembly. Got a link to recommend? Found a link that doesn't work? Email us today by clicking here and we will do all we can to put your suggestions to good use. Thank you.